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ABN AMRO Bank launches first branch in Beijing

ABN AMRO Bank launched its branch in Beijing's . It is the bank's first branch in Beijing and also the fourth branch the bank has launched in China .

According to statistics,by October of 200419 countries and regions have established foreign-fund banks in China and foreign banks from 42 nations and areas have set up their representative offices in the country since the first foreign bank institution set up its representative office in the capital in 1979.

Now the number of solely-foreign-owned braches has reached 163 with 223 foreign bank offices in the country.



根据统计,在2004年10月,有19个国家和地区在中国建立外国资助银行。自从1979 年第一家外国银行在北京设立它的办事处以来,已有42个国家和地区的外国银行在国内设立了他们的办事处。目前国内外资银行设立分支机构有163家,办事处223家。

Teamwork is a very important skill to have and be able to use in a modern working environment. Effective teamwork will make any company more efficient and profitable.

Each person has his or her own special skills. When you are selecting a team, it's best to get people with different skills so that you can get as many different views as possible to find the best solution.

When you are working on a team project, you should not be afraid or embarrassed to offer your opinion of ideas. The group

will benefit from your ideas even if it doesn't use them directly. Teamwork does not mean that one person does all the work themselves and then the group takes the credit. Everyone in the team should do an equal share of the work.




  • 商务英语考试试题
  • 国际商务单证员
  • 工商导论
  • 英语翻译
  • 剑桥商务英语初级词汇
  • 剑桥商务英语BEC
  • BEC初级词汇
  • BEC口语



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