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 导航当前位置: 文档下载 > 所有分类 > 外语学习 > 英语考试 > 2008年秋英语听力竞赛小学考卷(附答案)








一、选择你所听到的内容, 每小题朗读两遍。(20分)

1. A. fine 2. A. let 3. A. basketball

B. nine B. late B. skateboard

C. mine

C. last C. baseball C. Wendy’s candle C. a pink shirt C. 7453356 C. turn right

C. Swedish food C. legs and arms C. twenty flowers

4. A. Eddie’s camera 5. A. a blue dress 6. A. 7455356 7. A. traffic light

B. Amy’s kite B. a white blouse B. 7445356 B. at night

8. A. sweet fruit 10. A. They’re ours.

B. sweet food B. twenty hours

9. A. eyes and ears B. lions and bears


将答题卡上的相应位置涂黑。每个对话及问题朗读一遍。(共60分,每小题2分) 11. A. Fire-safety.

C. How to cook at home.

B. Air pollution.

D. What to cook at home.

D. By underground.

D. At the construction site. D. At 9 :00. D. More dumplings.

12. A. By bus. B. By bicycle. C. On foot. 13. A. At school. B. At home. C. In the street. 14. A. At 8:30. B. At 8:40. C. At 8:50. 15. A. A cup of tea. B. A cup of coffee. C. Some dumplings. 16. A. It’s next to the cinema. B. It’s in the cinema.

C. It’s far from here. D. It’s behind the cinema.

17. A. Eddie. B. Jane. C. Eddie’s brother. D. Jane’s sister. 18. A. Alice. B. Peter. 19. A. He’s got a headache. C. He’s got a bad cold. 20. A. A flat with four bedrooms. C. A flat with a big kitchen. 21. A. In the playground.

C. In the library. 22. A. Tell the man not to fish here.

C. Peter’s sister. D. Alice’s sister.

B. He’s got a fever.

D. He’s got a sore throat. B. A flat with a sitting-room. D. A flat with a bathroom. B. In the teachers’ office. D. In the classroom.

B. Ask the man what time it is.

C. Go and ask the man how to catch fish. D. Tell the man to go home. 23. A. In the morning. B. At noon. C. In the afternoon. D. At night. 24. A. A designer. B. A waiter. C. A teacher. D. A shop assistant.



  • 全国小学生英语竞赛
  • 年级 英语
  • 北师大五年级数学下册期末试卷
  • 北师大版五年级数学下册
  • 分数应用题五年级
  • 小学四年级英语听力题
  • 小学英语听力100篇
  • 小学英语听力练习



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