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It was Sunday. Little Jim____(1) early. Two of pandas were on show in London for the first time. He didn't see such animals before. So he asked his father, Mr. Black, to take him ____(2) them. After breakfast the father and son ___(3) to the bus stop____(4). After a while, a red bus came and Mr. Black got on it___ (5) his son in his arms. But there was ___ (6) in it. He had to stand by the door. A young man___ (7) and said, "Please take my seat, sir. ""Thank you very much," Mr. Black said and sat down. And little Jim sat on his father's knees(膝盖). "Try to be a gentleman(绅士), Jim," said Mr. Black. "The young must___ (8) for the old and must ask women___ (9) their seats." Just then, a woman got on and stood by Mr. Black. Little Jim jumped off his father's knees at once and said, "Please take____ (10) seat, madam!"



China will host the Olympic Games in 2008. We are going to help make the Olympic a success(成功), leaving a good impression(印象) on the whole world. We would like to be volunteers(志愿者). Kate wants to help the tourists who can‘t speak Chinese. She thinks it‘s a good way to learn English. And Mary is going to be a waitress in a hotel. She wants to serve athletes. She thinks she can meet lots of athletes and make friends with them. Victor is going to clean the floor at the basketball stadium. He can see his favorite basketball players. Selina likes skating very much. So she is going to help the ice skaters do something. Tom and Kin‘s favorite sport is table tennis. So they are going to pick up Ping-Pong balls for ping-pong players. At the same time, they can enjoy some beautiful matches. All of us are very happy to be volunteers.

( )1.In which city is the Olympic Games going to be held in 2008?

A. Beijing B. Paris C. Sydney

( )2.What‘s Kate going to d for the 2008 Olympic Games?

A. To be a waitress in a hotel. B. To help the tourists who can‘t speak Chinese. C. To work in a hotel.

( )3.Why is Mary going to be a waitress?

A. Because she would like to make friends with athletes. B. She thinks it‘s a good way to learn English. C. Because she wants to learn English. ( )4.Who is going to help basketball players?

A. Victor B. Tom C. Mary ( )5.What sport does Selina like?

A. basketball B. ping-pong C. skating


Charlie Chaplin(卓别林) was born in 1889 in London. His mother was a dancer. His father was an actor, but he has not much money. Charlie Chaplain was good at singing and dancing. In 1894, he started dancing and singing for money. In 1904, he joined a travelling theatre company and were to America. In 1910, someone asked him to perform(表演) in a film. And he went to Hollywood(好莱坞). He became a film director in 1914. He worked very hard and he made many funny films between 1914 and 1966. In 1977, he died(死) in Switzerland, people all over the world were very sad. ( )6.Charlie Chaplin was born in ______.

A. England B. America C. France ( )7.Charlie Chaplin‘s parents ______.

A. made a lot of money by giving performance B. were not very rich C. had a travelling theatre company

( )8.Chaplin began to make money(赚钱) when he was _______ years old.

A.15 B.21 C.5

( )9.Chaplin became a film actor in ________.

A.1894 B.1904 C.1910

( )10.Which of the four is Not true?

A. Charlie was only 15 when he came to the USA. B. When Charlie died, nobody was sad. C. Charlie went to Hollywood in 1910.


Mrs.Yuan is a writer.She is 1 and often helps the poor persons.It was a very cold 2 morning.On the way to her office, she saw an old man 3 on the ground.She came to him and helped him to 4 and bought some water and bread for him.The old man ate up the food




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